Psychological evaluation of children's human figure drawings

1. Introduction -- 2. The HFD test -- Administration of the HFD test -- Interpretation of the HFD test -- 3. Developmental items on HFDs -- Reliability of scoring HFDs -- Normative study for development items on HFDs -- Normative data for developmental items on HFDs of boys -- Normative data for developmental items on HFDs of girls -- Comparison of developmental items on HFDs of boys and girls -- Validity of developmental items on HFDs -- Expected and exceptional items on HFDs and IQ scores -- Developmental items on HFDs: summary -- 4. Emotional indicators on HFDs -- Normative study for emotional indicators on HFDs -- Validation of emotional indicators -- Relationship between emotional indicators on HFDs and behavior symptoms -- Emotional indicators on HFDs and school achievement -- Interpretation of emotional indicators on HFDs -- Interpretation of signs of HFDs that are not valid emotional indicators -- 5. Clinical interpretation of children's drawings -- Children's approach to life's problems reflected on HFDs -- Children's attitudes toward significant events reflected on drawings -- Children's attitudes toward themselves reflected on HFDs -- Concern about specific disabilities -- Concern about school achievement reflected on HFDs -- Concern about behavior reflected on HFDs -- Concern about being "different" reflected on HFDs -- 6. Children's attitudes toward their family reflected on drawings -- Spontaneous drawings reflecting children's attitudes toward their family -- HFDs reflecting children's attitudes toward their family -- Family portraits reflecting children's attitudes toward their family -- 7. Psychotherapy and children's drawings -- Drawing as a therapeutic technique -- Assessing progress in treatment through HFDs -- 8. Brain injury and HFDs -- Subjects -- Developmental items on HFDs and BI in children -- Expected and exceptional items on HFDs and IQ scores of BI children -- Emotional indicators on HFDs and BI in children -- Clinical interpretation of HFDs of BI children -- HFDs and brain injury in children: summary -- 9. Using HFDs in combination with other psychological tests -- Predicting first grade achievement with the HFD test and the Bender Gestalt test -- Predicting achievement of second grade pupils -- Test patterns of children admitted to special classes -- 10. Practical application of findings on HFDs: case histories plates

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