Crystal reports date not null

Crystal Report XI

If a date field Is Null on a CR, is there a formula that I could have it display the word 'Various' instead?

Thanks for your help. Change the red part to how you want your date formatted: if isnull( date ) then 'Various' else totext( date , 'MM/dd/yyyy' )

Edited by DBlank - 20 Nov 2009 at 1:18pm

I used this formula based on your suggestion: if isnull() then 'Various' else totext(,'MM/dd/yyyy')

but getting this in the Null values: 12/31/-4714. All of the other dates are correct that had values. Am I missing something?

Thanks for the help When you palce the field on your report canvas, what appears for the NULL values? is it blank or was there a defualt value inserted? The NULL values are blank on the report for the THese fields are also Null in the Access table that I'm pulling the data from. Weird. Never had a problem with that formula. I am guessing as I have not seen that before but try: if isnull() or ,'MM/dd/yyyy')

That did the trick! Now that I see the formula, I can understand how it works. As for me trying to come up with this formula by myself, there is not enough time in the week. Thanks for your efforts.

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