Which type of Direct Connect virtual interface should I use to connect different AWS resources?

AWS Direct Connect provides three types of virtual interfaces: public, private, and transit. How do I determine which type I should use to connect different AWS resources?


Use the following Direct Connect virtual interface based on your use case.

Public virtual interface

To connect to AWS resources that are reachable by a public IP address such as an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or AWS public endpoints, use a public virtual interface. With a public virtual interface, you can:

Private virtual interface

To connect to your resources hosted in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) using their private IP addresses, use a private virtual interface. With a private virtual interface, you can:

Note: For a private virtual interface, AWS advertises the VPC CIDR only over the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor. AWS can't advertise or suppress specific subnet blocks in the Amazon VPC for a private virtual interface.

Transit virtual interface

To connect to your resources hosted in an Amazon VPC (using their private IP addresses) through a transit gateway, use a transit virtual interface. With a transit virtual interface, you can:

Note: For transit virtual interface, AWS advertises only routes that you specify in the allowed prefixes list on the Direct Connect gateway. For a list of all AWS Regions that offer Direct Connect support for AWS Transit Gateway, see AWS Transit Gateway support.