Flood insurance policies do not renew automatically, so it is important to work with clients every year to ensure their coverage does not lapse.
Additionally, customers may be at higher risk of lapsing in the first two years of being a policyholder, so pay particular attention to new clients in your portfolio.
It’s important to let clients know that just because they haven’t experienced a flood doesn’t mean they never will. The Tiptons purchased flood insurance for more than 20 years before experiencing a catastrophic flood event. Continuous coverage gives your clients uninterrupted flood protection.
During policy renewals, discuss the following talking points with clients:
An afternoon storm, backed-up storm drains, or new construction in your area could bring inches of water into your home, causing thousands of dollars in damage to walls, floors, and furniture. And most homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage.
If you live in a high-risk area and have a loan from a federally regulated or insured lender, you are required to renew your flood insurance. When you purchase a home, you accept liability for any damage from fire, wind, hail, theft, or flooding that may occur while you live there. If you choose not to purchase a policy, your lender will force-place a policy at a much higher cost.
With Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action, FEMA is taking a phased approach to rolling out new rates. In Phase 1, new policies beginning October 1, 2021, will be subject to the new rating methodology. Also beginning October 1, 2021, existing policyholders eligible for renewal will be able to take advantage of decreases in their premiums at time of renewal. In Phase II, all remaining policies renewing on or after April 1, 2022, will be subject to the new pricing methodology. This phased approach allows the agency to execute its promise to deliver rates that are equitable, easier to understand and reflect each property’s unique flood risk.
Clients will be notified of their upcoming policy renewal window by their insurance company. FEMA may also mail a renewal reminder letter during this time.
Every year after renewing, your clients will receive a copy of the Flood Insurance Claims Handbook, Summary of Coverage, and a loss history for their property – making renewal a crucial moment to help clients understand their specific flood insurance needs.
When renewing, take the time to review the following with your clients:
Coverage Deductibles Ways to SaveMake sure your clients understand their coverage and review if the current coverage is still adequate. This is also a good time to explain exclusions and limitations specific to NFIP flood insurance, as well as other coverages – including excess coverage – that may be available for their needs.
Deductibles apply separately to building and contents coverage with different amounts from which to choose. Check with clients to confirm their deductible amounts and to ensure they understand their risks and opportunities.
Reduce cost by reducing risk. Are there ways for your client to pay less? Discuss potential cost-saving options like elevating utilities, updating flood openings, or retrofitting basements.
Even if your client has never experienced a flooding event, they are still at risk. John and Michelle Tipton went more than 20 years without a flood. They were glad they maintained their policy when they lost everything during Hurricane Matthew. They were able to rebuild their home and their lives thanks to flood insurance.
It’s important to talk to your client about the hidden and changing flood risks over time. Changes occur due to runoff of surface waters from any source, changing weather patterns that cause overflow of inland or tidal waters, wildfire, and mudflows.
The fact is that floods are the most common and costly natural disaster and only flood insurance covers flood damage. It’s important to show the value of flood insurance to your clients if they are considering cancelling:
Flood policies may be terminated mid-term or full-term and your client may be entitled to a full, partial, or no refund depending on their individual cancellation reason. Please refer to the NFIP Flood Insurance Manual- Section 6 for more information.
To help inform and reduce confusion, agents should review the Cancellation Reason Codes table in the Flood Insurance Manual to determine what qualifies as a cancellation, what documentation is required and eligibility for refunds.